In our trip to Ca. We stoped and visit the Temple. This one is our favorite. Rafael and I got married here and we love it so much. The kids enjoyed the visit.
I love this picture!!
Nicholas was enjoying the Nativity. You can tell he loved the lamb.
This is Mount Soledad. It is beautiful! I remember going on a date with Rafael before we got engaged.
Abby, Sophia and Me. The View was amazing!
Rafael is with the kids: Ruben, Sophia, Abby and Michael.
You can tell that Nicholas was having fun!! Just look at his face! and the view.
La Jolla.
The Family.
Abby had tons of fun looking at the seals. This is called the Children's Pool.
Sophia enjoyed looking at all of the seals. She loved it!!!
Nicholas was having a good time! Looking at his favorite thing...The Water. He was saying over and over again. Agua! Agua!!
Rafael and I had so much fun being with the family and spending time together remembering old times when we used to live here!!